
A golden Pegasus stood by the wooden stool, looking around the room full of miscellaneous ponies. A rainbow of color was splashed all over the walls, as were the different colored ponies against it. Splashes of greens and blues radiated the sky, as purple and red was shown below from the yellow sun. The art was really nicely made, Daze thought. Whoever put up the courage to create this masterpiece is Celestia herself.
“You tend to think out loud to yourself, huh, lovebug?” a purple unicorn questioned from behind the Pegasus. Her voice was smooth and confident, something Daze found rare to hear, but the unicorn’s voice startled her.
“Wha- Was I talking out loud?” The mare thought for a second, then over-thought for more seconds, now the air was awkward.
“If you count me over hearing you calling me ‘Celestia herself’, then yes, you were talking out loud, sweet cheeks.”
Daze was caught- well- in a daze. This mare was something different. Confident, smooth with words, very attractive…
The Pegasus caught herself staring, her mouth wide open in surprise and pure awe in this mare, but Daze had to seem cool. Yes, cool. “Guess you caught me there- Why’re you listenin’ to me anyway, weirdo?” Daze questioned, her voice raspy and cracking. She was about to say something else, as she realized the pony who made the artwork was standing right in front of her.
“I’m always curious about other ponies opinions on my artwork,” the purple pony simply said, staring at her wall. Her horn then lit up as a notebook and a pencil came floating over to her. That’s when Daze noticed she only had three legs. “My eyes are up here, baby.”
Daze became flustered, something she normally didn’t find herself situated in. Normally she was the confident one, making the other mare’s cheeks become red. “Sorry.”
“No biggie,” the mare said, writing something down with her mouth. Daze’s curiosity got the better of her, and she tilted her head to see what the mare was writing down. The mare looked up, staring at the golden Pegasus right in the eyes.
Daze stared back, and grabbed all the confidence she had in her, “What’re you writing?”
A simple smirk appeared on the mare’s freckled face, making Daze huff in response. “I’m writing down how absolutely beautiful you look in this lighting, baby.”
Daze pretty much shit herself when the mare so smoothly let the words flow out of her mouth. Daze just stood there, mouth open, and the unicorn just smiled. “I-”
“See you around,” the unicorn said, handing a piece of paper to Daze. “My number, in case you want to meet again.” Then the unicorn was gone.
On the note was her number, a winky face, and her name.
Street Art~

My first time drawing this cutie pie~ Love her to death.
Time to play some shipping wars.. hahahahaha!


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