Apart from what he does he is otherwise a rather kind hearted and gentle stallion. While appearing the life of the party publicly, he attempts to keep a quiet simple life, living on the former Apple family home along with his relatives Zap-Apple Jam. Tending to the orchard alongside his cousin. During over the course of his time in town, he eventually entered a good friendship with :iconrainbowtashie: the mare in question being rather fond of the stallion much to him not noticing. Her attraction has yet to be admitted to him but he has heard the rumors of the rainbow maned mare having the hots for him. Being made all the more apparent when she gave him these wonderful socks for Hearth’s Warming. Now a days he hangs out with the mare more often and fequently, enjoying the day with Rainbow doing all sorts of activities. Suffice to say that though not admitted by he, their relationship is blooming happily.