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New bean! (again). This is Eternity Horizon, ruler of the Alicornian Lands! I love her design and just had to do something major with her. I’ll be tweaking my universe of MLP a bit to make her fit, but she’s perfect <3
Eternity Horizon rules over the Alicornian lands, a more secluded place where Alicorn ponies are raised and live happily in their own society. While she is considered a Queen, she does little to rule. Eternity hoof picks those to guide the other Alicorns under her watch and teaches those she sees fit about leadership. She is a kind, motherly pony who’s love lies for her subjects. She was the original teacher to Luna and Celestia before sending them to Equestria to guide the ponies that lived there. Before Celestia and Luna raised the sun and moon, she was the one to do so. However, she has passed that on to them.
She can often be found visiting Canterlot to see the two she taught so long ago. Because of this, many Equestrians see her as a god among mortals. However, she wishes to be seen as an equal and interact with others as such.
Base: Alina-Brony29  
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