
Discord smiled. There was a brief bit of silence in the draconequus’s room as the Red stallion took a soft sip of his tea. He smiled to himself and Discord inched his head on over. He hoped that his chaotic home wasn’t unsettling to him.
“I made this tea especially for you my handsome stallion.” He explained, while ignoring the very distinct beans on the table. Big Mac nodded assuredly.
There was a small rattle on the table as the beans seemed to turn onto their sides, one flopping over flat. The small Discord faces smiled smugly, and Big Mac took another sip of the tea.
“So then I take it you like…me tea?” Discord smiled.
The stallion felt giddy in his chest, but remained his composure. He was certain of his crush, but what would the ponies think? Some ponies knew him as a ladies stallion, he felt certain that was the case. He forgot about it quickly, the smug little Discord beans looked adorable to him; and he adored hanging out with the real one.
I don’t know what suddenly made me love this ship, hahaha. I just do though.


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