From left to right:
Foal: Pure, cute, little ‘ol Arty. She was pretty much a normal baby, happy, laughed a lot, cried when she wanted attention, and slept. A lot. Mainly on her mama. She was loved, and spoiled, and pretty much went everywhere in her mama’s pouch to go to work with her. She was born with a mohawk, which would explain her personality later on as she got older. She had trouble walking with her peg leg, but she got carried around everywhere anyway.
Toddler: Arty was obsessed with colors and art, but was never really allowed to be near it because it was “Mommy’s fragile spray cans, not safe to breathe in for little foals.” Though Arty obeyed her mama’s rules, she still couldn’t help but watch from a distance as her mom painted beautiful art on the side of buildings. It wasn’t till she was a little older, she could really get a feel for this art.
Filly: Finally Arty could actually work with the spray cans, which lead her to get her cutie mark. She always asked her mom for certain color theories and such to get the most pretty art. This was also around the time her brothers were born, making her life more special. She was really messy with her paint, and often times would accidently get it on her baby brothers, but they were all fascinated by the colors too.
Teenager: This is when Arty started to professionally get paid to do paint jobs all around Las Pegasus. She was well known by now, getting attention from her mom’s well being. She watched her toddler brothers all the time for extra money, but she could argue she didn’t need to get paid, because that’s what big sisters should do. She’d show her brothers how to do spray paint and such (even though she knew her mom would get mad about the fumes), but two wasn’t all too interested, as one was very interested.