Personality: Calmed, Brave, Determined, Smart, Positive, (sometimes) Timid
Age: Ageless (Possibly 17)
Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Magna Fashion, Soirée Haunter
Worst Friends (Enemies): Lord Shadow Specter
Cutie Mark: A Tombstone with the word “Boo!”
House: An abandoned hotel
Abilities: Play the guitar, Enhanced ear and touch, Intangibility, Floating, Invisibility
Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Zero the Ghost Dog
Likes: Ghosts, Music, Having friends, Bats, Cobwebs, Tombstones, His Yellow Rock Guitar
Dislikes: Loneliness, Weapons, Being Feared, Others mocking him about his blindness, Lose Friends, Being forced or pushed
Art © shadymeadow
MLP:FiM © Hasbro