“Oh, hey….bud.” She turned her head, seeing that a few other larve had crawled around her, wiggling and chirping. “What’s got you all so excited?”
The hatchlings couldn’t really answer her, not yet, but talking to them was less awkward than making conversation with anyone else in the Hive. The larve in front of her chirped and looked towards the entrance of the cave. After a few moments, a silhuoette of a changeling appeared, and moved the foliage aside with their antlers.
King Thorax entered the nursery, carefully stepping around the hatchlings on the ground, who tried their best to wiggle up close to him. In response he cooed to them, and gently nudged them out of his path with his claws. Before long, he was in front of Coxal. He was taller than any other changeling she’d seen, had gems growing from his chest and a pair of antlers that grew behind a tiny horn.
Thorax cleared his throat. “Welcome, Coxal. I trust your stay here so far has been comfortable?” He seemed surprisingly nervous for a ruler. Coxal gave a short nod. “Great! Ocellus filled me in on what had happened while I was away with my sons.” He tilted his head to the side. “So, you’re part changeling, huh? Well, welcome to the Hive! We’re all one big family here, so I hope it hasn’t been to smothering here, with you uh, coming from the Dragon Lands and all.”
Coxal gave a shrug, trying to look nonchalant. “Eh, its been alright, I guess. Not too much to complain about really.” Thorax smiled and replied, “Wonderful! Now, would you mind coming with me? I don’t believe you’ve been properly introduced to the rest of my family!” The changeling king hooked a clawed arm under Coxal’s, and practically dragged her out of the nursery. For such a nervous king, he was surprisingly strong.