
Another MLP fusion comic, now with four new ponies of choice!!  
The following comic was made by the amazing CactusCowboyDan. so be sure to go check out his content!!
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safe2259867 artist:cactuscowboydan129 caboose126 full steam253 promontory253 silver lining320 silver zoom318 sunburst9438 oc998340 oc:king speedy hooves305 oc:tommy the human508 alicorn429397 earth pony630500 human232258 pegasus698696 pony1926165 unicorn689153 comic:fusing the fusions227 comic:the bastion of canterlot36 alicorn oc36162 book44623 canterlot7380 canterlot castle2995 cape14789 clothes669540 comic132616 commissioner:bigonionbean2547 conductor hat96 dialogue99789 father and child5176 father and son1389 forced1656 fusion7416 fusion:king speedy hooves303 glasses92144 goggles18669 gymnasium133 hat127209 human oc843 magic98616 male514547 out of control magic148 parent and child15871 potion3039 stallion183233 uncle and nephew78 uniform16969 wonderbolts uniform7625 writer:bigonionbean2224


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