Tide Breaker “Tide” (right) is a specialist in sabotaging whaling ships and greedy fishing boats and jamming their equipment, though she occasionally competes in the Equestria Games as one of the fliers for the relay team.
The two started off as pseudo-enemies. Eve would often take her tour groups to dangerous areas - tide pools filled with poisonous urchins, caves that only appeared at low tide, scaling sheer, slipper cliff faces above the roaring waves of the ocean, crossing into preservation areas and marine research sites - and Tide would inevitably have to shoo her and her half-scared-to-death group back to safer areas. When Eve would go exploring on her own, Tide would follow her and make sure she didn’t cause any damage to restricted areas. It definitely wasn’t to make sure the lunatic didn’t hurt herself with no one around to get help. Definitely not. She totally wasn’t worried about her, noooo.