Favorite Character: Fluttershy
The show ended on the highest of high notes for our animal-loving pegasus - nine years in, and she’s grown into a well-rounded, mature, and brave character, all the while holding onto her defining strengths. Here’s to you, Fluttershy!
Honorable mentions: Big Mac, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Flurry Heart, Terramar, Gabby, Tempest Shadow, Applejack, Countess Coloratura, etc.
Despised Character: Juniper Montage
Villainous Starlight doesn’t have a patch on this brat. She did nothing - I repeat, NOTHING - to earn her “redemption”!
Dishonorable mentions: Vignette Valencia, Sour Sweet, Cozy Glow, Svengallop, Iron Will, Prince Rutherford, Trixie, Plaid Stripes, Mr. Stripes
Favorite Season: Season 4
There’s not much I can say about it that hasn’t already been said. It had a natural flow to it, all the Mane 6 had some time to shine, and whatever duds there were did little to spoil the effect.
Honorable mentions: Season 7, Season 2
Despised Season: Season 9
Given the overall sloppy writing coupled with Twilight’s character derailment, it’s probably just as well the show is ending at nine seasons - even the select few good episodes there were couldn’t salvage the whole thing.
Dishonorable mentions: Season 6, Season 5
Most Overrated Character: Iron Will
Villainous or not, he still comes off as overzealous and misguided. Moreover, judging by his two post-debut episodes, he’s pretty much lost any redeeming qualities he once had.
Dishonorable mentions: the Shadowbolts (EG), the Humane 5, Derpy, Twilight Sparkle, Dr. Whooves, Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood, Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie, Queen Chrysalis, etc.
Most Underrated Character: Stygian
Now this is the way to make a villain redeemable.
Honorable mentions: Flurry Heart, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, Spike, Zephyr Breeze, Sandbar, Cattail, Flash Sentry, etc.
Favorite Villain: Tempest Shadow
The best villain the franchise has had for quite some time.
Honorable mentions: Stygian, Daybreaker, Flim and Flam (pre-Season 8)
Despised Villain: Juniper Montage
Once again, her motives were completely petty, and her “redemption” was handled horribly.
Dishonorable mentions: Cozy Glow, Vignette Valencia, “Grogar”
Favorite Song: Rainbow
It pretty much encapsulates everything about the show (and its characters) worth loving.
Honorable mentions: “You’re in My Head Like a Catchy Song”, “Open Up Your Eyes”, “The Magic Inside”, “You’ll Play Your Part”, “Friendship Through the Ages”, “We’ll Make Our Mark”, “Flim Flam Cider Song”, “Apples to the Core”, “Days Gone By”, etc.
Despised Song: Better Way to Be Bad
Dishonorable mentions: “Unleash the Magic”, “Awesome As I Wanna Be”, “I’m on a Yacht”, “We Will Stand for Everfree”, etc.
Favorite Episode: A Health of Information
If this ep didn’t cement Fluttershy as the Element of Kindness, I don’t know what will.
Honorable mentions: “The Perfect Pear”, “The Mane Attraction”, “Flutter Brutter”, “Shadow Play”, “Hurricane Fluttershy”, “Made in Manehattan”, “Common Ground”, “A Flurry of Emotions”, “Forever Filly”, etc.
Despised Episode: A Trivial Pursuit
Oh, Twilight! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Dishonorable mentions: “Fame and Misfortune”, “Secrets and Pies”, “The Point of No Return”, “Yakity-Sax”, “Frenemies”, “Non-Compete Clause”, “The Mean 6”, “28 Pranks Later”, “Putting Your Hoof Down”, etc.
I do not own MLP.