Artist’s description from DA:
One sunny Appaloosan day, while packing up her stuff at the end of a rodeo she’d competed in, Applejack was approached by a stallion. He tipped his hat to her and introduced himself as Rain Buck. He told her that her ropin’ and lassoin’ was the best he’s ever seen and he’d be more than delighted if she’d join him in sharin’ a few rounds of cider at the town’s saloon. Applejack was taken very aback. Her size had deterred all suitable stallions her age up until this point. Now a gentlecolt who was taller than she was was hitting on her. No pony had ever hit on her before. She stammered adorably but accepted nonetheless. They courted for a while after that. Taking frequent trips to each other’s farms, visiting the other’s family and helping with a day or two of work.Applejack was actually the one who popped the question. She wanted him to marry her and move to Sweet Apple Acres with her. He responded with his own version of “Eyyup”.After the gigantic wedding and even bigger reception the two started crankin’ out foals. Just two, but their daughter Orchard Blossom was born exactly nine months after the first day of their honey moon. Their son Dusty was born five years later.
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