Prince Mentiad
Alicorn Prince of Logic and Information - things like math, science, and empirically provable phenomena fall under his domain.
-A wealth of information, but you have to be patient to get the information you actually want. He tends to go on tangents.
-Roughly as tall as Cadance
-Addicted to mystery novels
-Entered a self-imposed exile after the fall of the Crystal Empire and the petrification of Discord, proclaiming that the age of gods was at an end. He urged Celestia and Luna to follow his lead. A few years later, Luna became Nightmare Moon. Celestia still places some of the blame at Mentiad’s hooves.
-Lives in an ivory tower, both literally and figuratively
-Only being known able to freely travel to and from the Platonic Realm of Forms
-Very excitable and chipper
-His greatest fear is disappointing someone he cares for.
-His best friend is Screwball, daughter of Discord and Goddess of Creativity and the Arts.