The first daughter of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich! Party Prize is a fun-loving, short mare with a chubby belly. It’s from all those cupcakes her mom stuffed since she was a child XD . She loves to accessorize, from hairclips to leg warmers to jangley hoop earrings and everything in between. She also likes to wear sparkling eye shadow and dyes orange streaks in her mane. She dreams of opening her own business, a shop where ponies can pick out candies and little toys to put in party gift bags. But at the moment, she’s working with the Cake family to save up for her dream.She loves to have fun, and gets a little pushy/bossy if things don’t go her way. The infamous ‘Night of the Cake’ incident, involving a crazy eyed Party Prize, a delicious cake, and the pony who had refused a piece of it is evident of how she can get if someone’s not having fun when she wants them too!
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