
Accompanying music: “Spit My Rage, by Terror. Ideal for mosh pits, bleak and meaningless lives, and recording displays of public drunkenness.
A tribute to Thedriveintheatre, for his amusing, vehement hatred for Nas Daily (which he calls “Nasi Kangkang”, which means “squatting rice”, a sort of weird recipe). I included two of his characters, Cili Padi the Policewoman and Sang Kancil (the two mousedeer to the right of the flag), because why not put both of them together? XD
His (and many Singaporeans’) spat against this blogger was sparked by some insulting comments about their country, after N(an)as compared neighbouring Malaysia to North Korea over his Israeli passport being banned, and presenting an unrealistic depiction of Singapore as a “perfect” country. Therefore I, a Malaysian myself, shall give NAShestvie Daily the (dis)honour of turning him into a pony.
Another part of my nickname for Nasi Kangkang is “Nashestvie” (“Invasion”), a rock festival in Russia notable for its mosh pits and alcoholics. One infamous picture of one such drunk became used by critics to mock their country’s social problems, and is the basis for poor Gallus the Ayam Biru in this picture. Because of his condemnation by his friend for slandering Singapore and it sounds nice, I like to call him “Nashestvie Daily”.


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