Page 387 - Taking the ReinsStory time!In the comments, tell a story about getting angry - not just any anger or frustration, but something in the game that inspired you or other players with what can only be described as “righteous fury.”
PM: The bunnies use RAMPAGE! It wasn’t very effective… ‘Cause they’re bunnies.
Twilight Sparkle: <sigh> Think they were scared by the same “ghost”?
Applejack: In all likelihood, yeah. Same for the timberwolves.
Fluttershy: They were cute little bunnies… Leading their cute little bunny lives… Who would… That’s just… Why I… Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie! Put your heads together! We’re going to stop this ghost! ARE YOU WITH ME?!
(stunned silence)
(she beats her own chest and roars)
Rainbow; Go, Flurtershy!
Applejack: Oh..,
(she cringes back on fear)