Page 359 - Business As UnusualDaylight Savings Time has ended once again, the third time in this comic’s run. The site time is now stuck one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time. Basically, that means the comic will be updating one hour earlier for the next five months. Enjoy.
Pinkie Pie: It’s a lovely Saturday afternoon in Ponyville! It’s been, like, almost a WEEK since the last thwarted-before-it-could-get-started disaster!
Twilight Sparkle: (rolls eyes)
Pinkie Pie: Fluttershy, you’re relocating some frogs from an overcrowded pond to Froggy Bottom Bog!
Fluttershy: Oh. That’s… nice of me.
Pinkie Pie: AJ, you’re in the farmers market selling apples!
Applejack: Makes sense. Is business good?
Pinkie Pie: Well, duh! Your family only owns the biggest and bestest apple orchard in the region!
Applejack: Good to hear. Do we have a super fancy stall in the market?
Pinkie Pie: Umm… You have kind of a homely one. Like, down-to-earth and stuff.
Applejack: …Ah like the way you think.
Twilight Sparkle: Hey, am I doing anything?
Pinkie Pie: Huh? Oh, right…
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