Page 118 - Winter Map UpA new episode, a new session! Too bad Twilight showed up a little early.There are new character sheets in play, but they won’t be going up on the Cast page until Saturday’s comic. I’m still trying to decide whether to display both the Level 1 AND Level 6 versions or just show the most recent one. And how to format them in either case.
Twilight Sparkle: Hello? I’m here!
DM: Huh?! Already?
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah! Aren’t we doing the Equestria game tonight? Where is everyone?
DM: Oh, geez. Uh, that’s not happening for another couple of hours.
Twilight Sparkle: What?
DM: Yeah. I’m still working on tonight’s session, actually.
Twilight Sparkle: But last time…
DM: We started that session early so your characters could get introduced properly. Every game from now on starts later.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Well, um… Could I hang out here until the game starts?
DM: I… guess so. Just don’t come upstairs while I’m finishing the maps, okay?
Twilight Sparkle: I promise.
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