Page 107 - Grand Line, Part 7Guest author: DragonTrainerSome intro is better than no intro, in my experience. Interesting PC relationships develop over time, but starting that relationship is a challenge. Same thing goes for backstory - starting out, it doesn’t do much, but it accrues meaning over time.
Twilight Sparkle: Luke and I came up with an intro together!
DM: Er… okay…
Twilight Sparkle: Hello? Anybody there? Huh… just the wind I guess.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh no! My report!
Twilight Sparkle: Now what am I going to do? If only Spike was still up.
Luke: Whooooo
DM: Spike. Twilight’s dragonling familiar.
Twilight Sparkle: Actually, he was in-character just now.
Luke: Who?
DM: You.
Luke: Who?
DM: … What.
Luke: I’m an owl!
Rarity: You were aware of that, right?
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