they go back and forth but the wife told everyone more clearly that things are not how they were before if they want more mummys they would need to find more someware but in order not to lose anyone they have to keep a low profile the pharaoh is still stubborn about this but his wife yelled at him and showing him what happened that even though the rest don’t seem to be in pain there are indeed frightened and suffered injures that can’t be healed so they are stuck with a limp or holes in there bodys; the pharaoh sees this and even though he still wanted to rule over like the old days he understands and agrees to keep a low profile but now the Pharaoh has less power and his wife takes over (mainly for talking things over in case of a conflict were to come up) but she would still need her husbands assistance if talking does not work
so until 1897 they traveled town to town cave to cave but someware in 1897 they found an abandon town but a group of… eh i’m just going to call them swamp ponies (creatures from the black lagoon) found the same town too there been some conflict (mostly yelling) but both of the leaders from both groups came to an agreement and that the can share the town after knowing that if there separated they would be hunted down with no one from there race left or at least there wont be alot and would be alone but together they can be more powerful and help eachother for protection.