Later that day, Octavus jumped hearing the front door slam. He could hear the hushed voices of Danny and …Lafayette? The rustling of bags and the departing hoofsteps of Laffy. He was about to go back to reading when something else caught his attention…. the soft sounds of sobs. Putting his book down, he peeked his head out only to find Daniel… injured and crying on the couch. Oh no… Silently, he went over to sit next to him, before putting a hand on his shoulder.
Octavus: Hey…
Daniel: tenses up, sitting up right Hey…
Octavus: So….I take it hangout with Laffy didn’t go too well?
Daniel: It was okay… I’m just tired now.. keeps his head down
Octavus: …. Curls himself around Daniel, pulling him into a hug Ok…
Daniel: ears twitch, pulling away to go the opposite direction I’m gonna get some rest.. I didn’t mean to wake you or anything..
Octavus: No… holds on You didn’t. And you don’t have to tell me anything. You just look like you need a friend….
Daniel: …. I … I just want to go to my room, okay…? voice cracks
Octavus: It’s ok, Daniel… you helped me when I cried… just…. let me help you in return…
Daniel: …..turns back around, showing the scar down his face, still fresh
Octavus: Oh Danny…. Would you like to just… talk? You don’t have to talk about…. how this happened if you don’t want…
Daniel: shakes his head as he sits back down I don’t have anything to say….
Octavus: That’s fine. We can just sit here till you feel better too. pulls him closer
Daniel: ……… sniffs I don’t… I don’t want to be this way anymore…. Eyes turn slitted
Octavus: ….There’s nothing wrong with you….you’re not broken
Daniel: Stop lying…… I don’t want to hear, anymore lies….! wings shake
Octavus: Hey…look at me uses his wings to hold his face I’m not…. I have never seen you as broken Daniel. Hurt maybe…. stressed, definitely. But never broken. I don’t think you’re broken. You are not broken. You’re not perfect…. You’re Daniel…and I love you just the way you are. You’re my best friend~
Daniel: sniffs before leaning to hug Octavus, letting the tears fall
Octavus: It’s ok….I got you….I got you…
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