Parents: Fluttershy and Big Mac
Personality: gentle, thoughtful, calm
Cinnamon is a combination of both of his parents. A hardworking and determined workhorse, he worked alongside Big Mac and Applejack on Sweet Apple Acres as soon as he was big enough to pull the plow. Since Fluttershy and Big Mac live separately, he was raised in Fluttershy’s cottage until he was about 8 years old before he moved in with the Apple family.
Cinnamon Roll is a natural with both children and animals because of his gentle and kind personality, similar to his mom. However, he does have a stubborn streak and tends to feel nervous when he deviates from his normal routine. He’s stronger and taller than many ponies his age, which can seem intimidating at first, but his friends all know that he is a big softy who can’t resist helping those in need, especially foals and baby animals. Since he started working on the farm, he spends a lot more time with Applejack’s cousins, but always makes time at the end of the day to visit Fluttershy. He’s often found either at the cottage, bucking apple trees at the farm, or taking quiet walks in the night. Even though he is a pony of few words, he is very supportive of his friends and has an extraordinary memory for their many quirks and interests. He enjoys thinking of small ways to show his appreciation of them.