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Anonymous asked:I personally don’t really see what the big deal about the princess title is. But I’m curious, what were some significant times you refused special treatment because of your job as a princess? Did your Ponyville friends agree or disagree? I know Rarity especially has strong feelings about propriety and decorum.bookhorse answered:Well, there was the time when me and Rarity went to this extravagant restaurant in Canterlot together. She went to ask for a table while I was reading through the menu, but was told there were none available. So I lowered the menu and remarked that we should try elsewhere, at which point the head waiter recognized me and said they could certainly find a table for me.I was a bit confused at first, as that seemed contradictory information, but then I realized I was getting special treatment because of my status. So I told him it was rather dishonest of him to state there are no tables available even if there are, and if there aren’t then it’s not fair to cancel somepony else’s reservation and ruin their plans.He tried to give me some excuse about how they maintain a table for “high profile” guests, so I gave him a brief lecture on pony elitism and how it hindered the development of pony society. I also pointed out that continuing such elitism albeit in a different form, while not discrimination in a legal sense, is still against the principles upon which Equestria was founded.The head waiter did look a bit stunned for a while and then apologized, so I told him to seat the couple behind us at their special table, regardless if they were “high profile” enough or not, and we left and found a table at a cozy and less pretentious location. I know Rarity was somewhat disappointed, but she understood my choice, and from a generosity perspective she didn’t mind giving up a table for others.While some might think my actions weren’t proper, I very much disagree. Being a princess to me is not about status or special privileges, it’s about doing what is right, even if it means personal sacrifice. If that isn’t proper then what is proper is wrong.
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