Time to show you the newest commission and first one of the year! It’s for Balint Kollar, one of my wonderful and my most supportive Patrons, who asked me to draw a scene in a concert hall, featuring Sweetie Belle as the main singer, dedicating a song to her anxious teenage friend, Scootaloo.
The young Pegasus doesn’t feel very confident about her wings or rather incapability of flying, which makes her feel bad pretty often. However, singing the song “Spread your wing”, Sweetie Belle is trying to cheer/lift her up and convince her that she can do it one day, that she is special and should never give up^^ To underline that, she is magically creating her own fake wings to emphasize the moment and colourful show they’re hosting.
It was interesting drawing Anthro characters again :D I personally think I’m getting better with proportions and hands, even though they’re far from perfect, I like the outcome of this. besides, I really had fun imagining these characters with typical clothes for teens.