Starlet: And who might you be?
Purple Pegasus: My name is Superstar Nova. I came here because I sensed something was wrong. I’m actually from another dimension, and my mother is Twilight Sparkle.
Starlet: Well, Superstar, your sister here seems to have given herself wings.
Superstar Nova: This will be a piece of cake. I was born with the same ability my mom, or, our mom has. Except, I don’t need the element to be on my head. But everytime I do it, I loose a bit of my memory. However, it’ll be worth it if it means to stop this battle.
Starlet: I hope you know what you’re doing, Nova.
Superstar Nova stood in front of Sundown, her hooves planted firmly on the ground. Under her breath, she muttered some sort of poem, and out burst a blinding light that shot straight of of the air. It went up, then slowly faced down, then rushed at high speeds toward Sundown.
Sundown Spell: NO! YOU CAN’T — DO — THIS — TO —– ME!!
Suddenly, a wave of light engulfed Sundown Spell, and Superstar fell to the floor.