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Page 1228 - Bronze Opportunity
There’s always those sidestories and sidequests that never really got the attention of the party, or never found a natural way to be integrated into their path… Any hidden stories like that?
DM: Let me guess: You’re going to bring in Applejack to this near-future game?
Sandbar (AJ): Oh, of course not. I doubt they’d know each other. And if magic’s disappearing, she’s got better things to do anyway.
DM: Then why Sweet Apple Acres?
Sandbar (AJ): So I can recruit Apple Bloom!
DM: …Apple Bloom. AJ’s younger sister.
Ocellus (TS): …From the Poison Joke session?
Sandbar (AJ): Well, yeah! They’re much closer in age, and if they grew up in the same small town…
Silverstream (PP): I remember her! She was a treat.
DM: Alright then…
Apple Bloom: Sandbar? What in tarnation are you doin’ here at this hour?
Sandbar (AJ): Chancellor Neighsay has taken over the School of Friendship and locked up my friends! I need your help to get to the bottom of this!
Apple Bloom: Back up a sec. Ah thought Cozy Glow was in charge!
Sandbar (AJ): You know about that?
Apple Bloom: Yeah! We’re friends of hers.
Gallus (RD): Gahhh. There goes that plan.
Sandbar (AJ): Well… okay, if you’re friends with her, maybe you can convince her to join our side. Her plan won’t mean much if Neighsay gets his way!
DM: Sounds like a job for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Sandbar (AJ): The what now?
DM: A side-plot I never really got to formally introduce.

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