Pinkie Pie + Cheese Sandwich = Chocolate Hoof
Twilight Sparkle + Flash Sentry = Sunspark
Chocolate is covering up for gem Glitter. But.. why?
Sunspark: Chocolate? Are you making the outfits?
chocolate Hoof: Yeah! Gem Had to go somewhere. I heard she had to cover up for Caramel Candy.
sunspark: Caramel? So gem is selling the stuff that golden Ginger makes??
Chocolate Hoof: yeah.
sunspark: But… But Gem will just… price them way too high! No one will want to buy them!
Chocolate Hoof: You should go talk to her, then! She’s at the mall.
Sunspark: …Why?
Chocolate Hoof: Probably shopping for some new shoes.
sunspark: ugh. I’ll go get Gem to do this. Just clean up here.
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