Daughter of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, Kugelblitz is a hot-headed mare with tremendous speed and a temper to match. Her special talent involves weather manipulation (specifically lightning), and she works as a mechanical engineer in one of Cloudsdale’s weather factories. Blitz is as loud and brash as Rainbow Dash and can sometimes come off as being too blunt or rude when she doesn’t mean to be. She loves her friends and family fiercely and will stop at nothing to protect them – but that doesn’t mean she won’t tease Cloudy Skies every so often.
Blitz isn’t as close with her parents as she might like, since she’s away working most of the time, but still loves them and misses them when she’s not around. She has a bit of a strained relationship with Cloudy – as most siblings do; they didn’t get along very well when they were younger, mostly because Blitz was jealous of how much attention he got growing up and struggling in school. Nowadays their relationship is more solid, but Blitz grew up feeling a lot of resentment that she was rarely the focus of her parents’ attention.
Rose is Blitz’s best friend, and the two of them love spending time together, often taking time to study together when they were in school. Blitz was drawn to Rose’s bubbly, cheerful personality, and Rose admires Blitz’s strength and willingness to stand up for herself and the ponies she cares about.
Blitz loves to dance, but she’s terrible at it and usually doesn’t dance around other ponies. Rose can sometimes encourage her to loosen up a bit on the dance floor, though.
Blitz is surprisingly good at cooking, and loves setting aside the time to make a home-cooked meal on evenings when she has the time.