Page 251 - Race to the FinishAnd here we go with Swarm of the Century!For today’s comments, tell a story about getting physical at the gaming table - whether it’s acting out what you’re doing or strangling your fellow players.
DM: A new week, a new session! Let’s get to it. PREVIOUSLY, IN EQUESTRIA…
Rainbow Dash: We went out to- MM-MMPH! FF-HEY!
Pinkie Pie: Got her! Go, go, go!
DM: Thank you kindly. The party, along with Applejack’s sister Apple Bloom, had an encounter with Zecora – a zebra alchemist that had the entire town of Ponyville utterly afraid of her. The truth turned out to be slightly more complicated: Zecora was researching the cure to Poison Joke, and using the town as her personal pool of test subjects. The party was cursed due to her actions, but they persuaded her to work cooperatively to finish the cure and then turn herself in for her crimes. The cure was successful, Zecora was taken away to Canterlot, and Ponyville has been peaceful for the week since! There! Done!
Rainbow Dash: PFF- GAH! What the heck?!
Pinkie Pie: Now, what have we learned about derailing the recap?
Rainbow Dash: …If it gets the DM to spend less than 45 minutes on it, then you know what? Mission accomplished.
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