It’s been a pain for us, and I’m sure it’ll hurt you as well.
She passed due to fulminating respiratory arrest. A late diagnosis produced the havoc we’ve been burdened with.
It happened around a year ago. On September the 7th 2017.
We’re sorry it took so long to tell you all, but we were hurdling over a lot of problems. Such as personal issues and such.
I’m sorry that this is what had to come, and I’m sorry it happened now. I wish you all happiness and the best of luck with your endeavors. Just know that Lobi loved y’all. Just as we all loved her.
R.I.P. Lobi…
If you all would be so kind. It would be nice to have some sort of collabe for her.
As for her bestest friends! I’m sorry. Please be strong for Lobi.