Cloud: Oh damn, have I never told you about your grandma?
Gale: Ohhh right…
Cloud: Yeah, she was an Earth Pony, dad was a pegasus. Ma didn’t stick around to watch sis and me grow. Doesn’t mean she didn’t leave us with nothing!
Gale: Well screw her!
Cloud: Language, twerp.
Gale: No seriously. She sucks but at least she made you! BEST MOMMA EVER!
Cloud: Awwww….shucks Gale…
Gale: Best Momma the….ummmm….so you’re a Earthasus….Eartha….uhhhh
Cloud: I think ponies call us Gaiasus. Gaia being the Earth Pony Goddess.
I might write some more dialogue later but I’m so tired!
When I was showing my boyfriend, he thought Gale was looking at Cloud’s butt…
Which he isn’t so I figured I’d at least write something clarifying what’s going on!