So here she is <3 She’s kind of a mash-up between my first ponysona (Paint Splatters) and Story’s last design. I actually have ponysona designs named Storytime from 2012 on lined paper aha. Oh god looking at the old art makes me weep.
Treble will be slightly revamped too, mainly with the splotches and colors o: BUT OTHERWISE I USE THIS GAL~
format from Kilala >:0 cus I am lazy
Name: Bedtime Story (aka Storytime)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Species: Siren Crystal Pegasus
Sexuality: Bisexual and taken B)
Likes: painting, watching let’s plays, playing Pokemon and Animal Crossing, MUSICALS, rainy days and thunderstorms, drawing, sleeping, Dr. Pepper, Pringles, and Goldfish. Also cats.
Dislikes: Reading textbooks, loud noise, being bothered when in ‘the zone’, birds (despite being a birbpone), freeloaders,
Personality: Stubborn as f*ck, short-fused and probably will bite you, sensitive and a big cry baby, goofball and loves to laugh, nurturing and protective towards those she cares for, loyal as hell and will probably fite you.