They basically play catch-up, with Joyride explaining their latest adventure, and mentioning how close they are to having all the ingredients.
Joyride eventually turns back to the foals and says,
“Okay, for real this time. Out.”
Vee, who had taken to laying down on the floor and looks like she would be just as comfortable sleeping there as anywhere else, doesn’t rise up to defend them this time, and they are soon escorted out the door. She does offer her butt lantern as thanks for the coffee mug however, which Emerald happily takes. It’s a bit big to hang on his butt, but he is sure he’ll find some use for it.
It’s night time now, so Ruby and Emerald turn back to the door and enter Emerald’s flat. Ruby pulls up some blankets and lays close to the foal and says,
“So… What did you think of Vee?”
Emerald looks at Ruby, and it’s clear from her visage that she has an amused confusion on her face. Emerald says she seemed nice.
“Weird though, right? Weird.” Ruby says, staring up at the ceiling.
Emerald says that he supposes the pegasus was weird, but they’ve met a lot of weird people on their travels. A comicbook writing Necromancer for one, and then of course, Joyride.
Ruby chuckles at this.
Inventory & Spells -