First Row:
Starlight Glimmer x SunburstSunfall Glow Twinkle Starnote
Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst
Fluttershy x DiscordTurbid Treetop Cocoa Bean
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Second Row:
Ember x SpikeAzure Blaze Calvados
Rarity x Applejack
Pinkie Pie x Cheese SandwichBalloon Blast Frosting Blast
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Third Row:
Lyra x Bon BonCreamcake Daze Harmonic Palette
Vinyl x Octavia
Tender Taps x Apple BloomOutstretch Orchard Belle de Reine
Fleur Dis Lee x Fancy Pants
Fourth Row:
Sunset Shimmer x Twilight SparkleAmara Sparkle Autumn Glory
Tender Taps x Apple Bloom
Sweetie Belle x ScootalooStormy Enchancement Maplewood
Rainbow Dash x Soarin’Spectral RushMellifluous Harmony
Fifth Row:
Vinyl x Octavia
Cheerilee x Big Mac
An original background filly from the show I drew grown up, she was first included in an old crappy drawing and is going to be a long-lost relative of Roseluck in my series and an adopted daughter of Cinnamon’s (I’ll explain more later)Razzle Blossom Amberstone
Another adopted pony and daughter of mine from SkittleMoose