In the distant future Luna finds herself once again feeling unloved, unapreciated, and jealous of the other princesses. Terrified of turning into Nightmare Moon again, she ends up deciding to run away on a journey to find herself. She disguises herself with changling magic to make sure even Celestia won’t be able to find her and starts a circus.
Yea… a circus.
That was the original idea and this is what I thought her disguise would like like. Her alias name is Colored Lights! I would actually really enjoy writing this story. I’ll just need to find the time.
Anywho… It’s been a while and this was honestly put together as quickly as I could. So you know… probably 4-5 hours. Someday I hope to get faster at this whole drawing thing. I have a couple drawings that are mostly complete that I will hopefully post soon… but who knows? I don’t…
Thanks for reading through my rambelings this far.
Have a great day!