Hardworking and focused, an AoD are extremely determined and finds pleasure in daunting tasks. They are very independent and treasure this more than anything else. They push the bounties of relationships and are willing to risk love for the freedom and admiration they desire. The hardest life lesson for them to learn is to separate their self-worth from their achievements. Though ruthless and stoic, once they relax are surprisingly expressive and caring, but very few will ever see this side of an AoD. They judge people by their perceived worth and will treat them accordingly. They will harness anything and everything to assure success for themselves and those few close to them. Their unflinching demeanor and hard stare can intimate others around them before they even open their mouths, making negotiating or even talking with an AoD very difficult. Like many Aces they are very self-involved, having high expectations not only for themselves but also the world around them.