so heres the new and improved southern comfort, refreshed for 2018
here’s her old design for reference
and now for the fine details
Full legal name: Southern Comfort
Preferred name: Southern Comfort
Nickname(s): None
Species/Race: Pegasus/Cow hybrid (bovine genes/traits are more dominant obv.)
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 26
Birthday: 5/25
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 415 lbs
Build: Plump, muscular
Eye Color: Mint green
Coat Color: Reddish-brown, very light cream/off-white accents
Mane Color: Brown
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Markings: Freckles on both cheeks, splotches all over her body, as well as udders and muzzle
Distinguishing features: Horns and ears partially concealed by her mane
CM: Beer mug filled with milk
Attitude/Mannerisms: Outspoken, brash, often speaks before she thinks, crude, caring, friendly, welcoming, sociable
Likes: Her job, her hair, working on her farm, ‘dispatching’ unruly bargoers, drinking, teasing/messing with drunk bargoers
Dislikes: Cats, mice
Birth Place: Dodge City
Hometown: Dodge City
Current Residence: Ponyville
Profession: Bartender/manager/owner
Current Special Somepony: Violette Dawn (more on that later~)
Marital Status: Unmarried
Children: None
Crush: Violette <3
Instruments: Alto saxophone, guitar, dobro, banjo, occasionally singing
Main/Preferred Instrument(s): Saxophone
Musical Style: Masato Honda, David Sanborn, Matokie Slaughter
Playing Style: Fairly energetic and very passionate playing, often in a higher key
Bands: Flying Colors (secondary/backup sax)
Genres: Jazz, Jazz Fusion, Funk, Rock, Pop, Disco, Bluegrass, Clawhammer, classic Country
-Ya like jazz?
“Y’all can look but you can’t touch”
-Birth marks are hot
-“My eyes are up here, hun~”
-Despite not having very visible muscle tone, this is one stronk moo, sometimes even misjudging her own strength based on the amount of times she’s accidentally smashed through bar tables with her hooves
-Though southern is a pretty loud and crude, unmannered gal, she is surprisingly obsessive about her hair; she takes so much time out of her day to maintain it and have it looking as perfect as she can get it
-Do not, and i mean do not touch or lay a hoof on a single strand of her hair or your internal organs might become external ones
-Somewhat similarly to fluttershy, she has a soft spot for small animals; she sometimes lets birds, raccoons, and sometimes even deer take shelter in her cottage
-Except mice; she has a severe phobia of mice
and spiders. fuck spiders
-She also enjoys making a snack out of some small critters, especially snakes, which are among her favorite things to snack on
-She’s horribly allergic to cats. good luck getting her to stop sneezing and coughing if you bring one within 35 feet of her. cats are also among the only things to give her indigestion if she ever tries to eat one
-Like all of my OCs, southern has a musical background. her father loved listening to classic rock, funk and disco, whereas her mother loved classic country music and bluegrass. southern was particularly drawn to the sound and tone of the saxophone in her father’s music, and though neither of her parents played any instruments, she was gifted a guitar at age 3 and her first saxophone at 5, and taught herself how to play both by simply listening to her parents’ records
-Southern is a very passionate saxophone player, and is her most preferred instrument to play. she practices on it just about every day, and has become quite a skilled player
-Ba dairy cow and proud of it, southern almost never covers her plump set of udders, letting them hang out freely and openly for all the world to see. this has gotten her into a bit of trouble in some locations due to Equestria’s indecency laws
-Though she may flaunt them till the ends of the world, she don’t all too often allow others to get close to them. She lets the occasional bargoer or animal drink from them, as well as her closest buds, though it’s her marefriend Violette Dawn who has the freedom to feel all over them and drink as much from them as she wants
-Southern Comfort and Violette Dawn have been together for about 8 months, after the two met when Violette performed a gig in her bar. the two were immediately drawn to one another, and began talking; before heading back to her home in Neigh York City, Violette got Southern’s number, address, and vice versa; the two continued to write and call one another for a few months, more and more frequently, before they both decided to give this whole ‘couple’ thing a shot and Violette moved down to Ponyville to live with her squishy moo-cow gf
-As if it weren’t blatantly obvious (i mean holy fuck just look at those fun-bags) Southern is a dairy cow, and produces milk often by eating other ponies, many of whom are drunkards causing a ruckus in her bar
-She has four stomachs, so her capacity is pretty fucking massive, able to pack in upwards of eight, two in each stomach, possibly even more, if she really wants to push herself or is just super fucking hungry
-She’s known for brewing a very flavorful type of milk, and has created her own recipe for a special kind of milk fused with alcohol
-She took her live and appreciation for alcohol from her father, who owns a vineyard back in his homeland of Buckland, New Vealand. He passed the torch down to her and helped her open up her bar, where she is the sole bartender working there. Honestly, she’s not all too cut out to be a manager of a bar, seeing as how not everyone who enters her bar one night never ends up leaving… or the fact that she often gets drunk with her bargoers and gets into fights along with them, wreaking havoc and causing lots in damages… yet ponies can’t hate her welcoming and hospitable aura about her and business remains booming
-Southern often lets in homeless ponies outside her bar, giving them food, warmth, shelter, a friendly environment (that is when ponies don’t get drunk enough to start fights) and a nice drink, sometimes even ‘fresh from the tap’
-Southern is rarely in a less-than-happy mood. She prefers to live in the present rather than worrying about the past or future. Though she’s not entirely immune to it, she rarely ever gets stressed
that’s all i got for now. more info will be added or removed as i see fit as time goes on
but i’m really happy with the new her and i hope you all are too c:
southern comfort (c) myself