Q. Wha.. who even are you?
A. Just someone who likes to draw and wants your money :)
Q. There’s something wrong with your chart, it’s all the same price.
A. Anything you want, I’ll draw for 50 cents. Also, that wasn’t a question.
Q. The prices are additive, right? If I want a colored image, it will be $1.50?
A. Nope, everything is just 50 cents. May as well buy it in color, though it will be harder on me.
Q. I don’t feel right about paying so little for your hard work.
A. By all means, pay me more.
Q. Your oc and handwriting are hideous. Why would I want your art?
A. I promise to raise the quality of my art for my clients.
Q. Why should I trust you?? This is your only post so far.
A. Touché. Then again, it’s only 50 cents. Not much risk there.
Message me for info! PayPal only