>What are you going to do later though?
>You have a hard enough time keeping yourself from ending it all some days, how are you going to keep somepony else from doing so?
>Especially on top of everything else going on.
>You look over at Wallflower, she seems to be asleep.
>You think maybe if you make it out of this you can make a point to hang out with her.
>With Taku’s assistance of course.
>That’s when you hear it.
>A cry, a cry just like the one that caused you to run off.
>Thankfully there are no streets for you to run out into this time.
>However you still feel the need to head to the source.
>You look around…
>Another one follows.
>This one wakes up Taku and Wallflower.
>“The fuck was that?!”
>And Cipher too.
>“Sounds likes they got two of em” Wallflower says.
>Cipher limps out of the nearby bedroom.
>“Who got two of what?” he asks.
>“Two of those things surrounding the bell I assume” Taku replies.
>“Oh…” He says before turning back towards the bedroom.
>“Need help getting back into bed?” Taku asks.
>“NO! no! no… I can do it myself.” He semi shouts back.
>“If you say so…” Taku says, a little confused.
>You know he’s just trying not to be weird, but failing at it miserably.
>Eventually everypony gets back to resting.
>You venture a guess the others will return in some time and after they are rested another “attack” on the bell will commence.
>probably a good idea to get some rest yourself.
>you’re probably going to be involved in the next one.
>You lay your head down and close your eyes.
>Before fading into sleep you think about asking Wallflower about what kind of video games or anime she likes, just to break the ice before getting to know her.
>she actually does seem like a nice pony to hang out with.
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