This was a fun pick to work on and it really helped to get me out of the funk that I’d been in for a while, for which I’m thankful. As mentioned above this pic was based on one found on Derpibooru (link above) and while I had to make a few tweaks to it out of necessity I think it’s a pretty faithful recolor. The weapons, poses and magic effect were interesting things that I don’t often include in my pics, especially the pony one. I also got creative with the pwny-fu logo since this is a coloring of another pic (also because of a sizing issue but that’s beside the point).
This pic also acted as the inspiration for a series of pics that I’m working on called the Siege of Canterlot because now I’ve got a ninja outfit that works with ponies (though slightly altered from this version). I hope you’re all looking forward to the upcoming pics and please let me know what you want included in them. Until then enjoy
I don’t own these characters just this version of the pic.