Cortland: “Hey Momma, why does Aunt AJ not get along with Dad?” The colt asked, looking over at his mother.
Apple Bloom: “Hm? Cort…” She paused and tilted her head and tried to think of a way she could explain to her young son. “Mm, Auntie AJ and Dad don’t really get along…because…”
Cortland: The colt stared at his mother confused and tilted his head to the side. “I don’t get it. They have a lot in common. Dad was from Appleloosa and Auntie AJ has been there for rodeo’s. They’ve probably worked together a lot…” He paused and looked down. “And they have other things in common.”
Apple Bloom: The mare looked down and smiled softly. “Like what?”
Cortland: He looked up at her, giving a buck tooth grin. “You and me~” He smiled. “Plus they both work really hard, an’ can both eat a ton.”
Apple Bloom: The mare couldn’t help but let out a giggle and wrapped her hooves around her son. “You know, you’re right…they do eat a ton.”