So, I felt like drawing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Better… However, since I can’t draw I decided to trace another vector.
Here we have the mark-less CMCs being astonished at just how incompetent Spoiled Bitch Rich is.
Yea, Diamond Tiara, you should definitively antagonize a pony who, in a few years, will (co-)run Sweet Apple Acres, one of your most important business partners.
And don’t associate with any of them, it’s not like they’re sisters to three of the Element Bearers. Who are butt-buddies with a Princess. Who happens to be God’s protege.
I don’t know what gets me more mad: Spoiled’s attitude or the fact that she is unbelievably bad at networking with important ponies, when that’s apparently all she does.
Anyway, feel free to consider this my preemptive contribution to CMC day.