“Hehehee, ooh, this is an absolutely lovely ballroom, plenty of space for us to wiggle our rumps about in… and perhaps have some bouncy fun, too?”
“Having bouncy fun in a bounce house? Pff, but of course it isn’t for that at all! You think the name means anything at all?”
“Oooh, stuff it, you silly atom-butt, or am I gonna have to give you a good close look at my own puffy rump while I squeeze yours?”
“Mmm, I wouldn’t say no to that Though, perhaps we might want some refreshments first, hm? After all, what’s better for a ballroom than a pair of ballroom blimps?”
“Hehee, you read my mind”
I’ve had puffy dresses and bounce houses on the mind again. Minty doesn’t seem to mind at all, though~
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