awkward for me. Sigh. Still, have fun in my stead folks! and hey, at least there’s new episode this weekend, and what a episode it was!
I don’t think I have to write much, but yeah I loved that episode (as certain eye-rolling motherbucker probably predicted already )
It was great episode. Each of Twilight’s family member had some fun moments, I especially enjoyed Twilight Velvet’s
fixation over some extreme sports activities as well as Flurry Hearts little “play time” with her peers, it
was quite amusing especially Cadence’s glare when she retreated with her at the end of the scene. As for Star Tracker? one weird little
fellow, I know he comes off as creepy, but I guess that was implied he’s simply shy and awkward especially
in presence of Twilight and her family. That was cute. Still bit creepy. Also intriguing was to see how the whole situation blew in Twilight’s face. Her outburst felt believable, given all the stuff she decided to go along with - and it was heart aching sight too. but
also quite true: to be happy you must be at least a little bit selfish. There’s nothing wrong with that. Also, holy hot damn, guess who’s back in his muscle-flexing glory! Iron Will! it’s been a while. Long while. Since season 2 actually. It took me by surprise and just added to overall fun factor. As with best MLP episodes it was great mix of humour, drama and fun interactions between the characters. So overall, fantastic episode, one of many this season, and yet so great. That makes it 4th Twilight episode this season, and it’s really nice how entertaining each one of them was. Heck, there’s plenty of good stuff happening this season overall.
Episode Ranking so far: