
Morning Glory  
Parents: Fleur de Lis and Duke Blueblood, Trixie Lullamoon and Iron Will (adoptive parents)  
Age: 18  
Nicknames: Morning, The Wonderful Morning, Magi  
Build: Lean, skinny  
Cutiemark: A magic wand surrounded by gold stars  
Special Talent: Preforming  
Occupation: Performer at the Circus De Lullamoon//Part time model
Prim, posh and the basic definition of elegance, Morning Glory. Morning took very much from her Mother Fleur, despite them never actually meeting. She is very kind spoken and classy. Growing up in Canterlot high society till she was around seven Morning spent a lot more time with Blueblood than Shooting ever did. But one day she was just…kicked out. Her father couldn’t seem to bare to look at her any longer, she was too much like her mother. She was put in an orphanage where she was eventually adopted by Trixie. She will spend trying to perfect a act routine or being test subject to many of Starburst’s experiments.When growing up with her father Blublood wasn’t…the best at raising small foals. He taught his daughter the great traits of lying and deception. Morning ADORES acting, most of the time she lies right at ponies faces, after all it’s just one big act. She is known by many names (Sparkling Shine to a stallion in Prance, Razzle Dazzle to a pair of unicorn triplets and Amber Rose to Equestria famous pop star Dubstep). To Morning life is just one big stage play.
Morning’s cutiemark represents more than just her talent for show magic. It represents how she’s more of a trickster, she got it on her first circus performance. When she realized how much she loved acting.  
Morning never met her birth Mother Fleur, Blueblood told her stories of her Mother’s grandeur and how she was a caring and kind pony.  
As much as Morning loved her father Blueblood couldn’t seem to muster up any love for her. This was the creature that took away his beloved wife’s life. He wasn’t the best, Morning was basically raised by her nannies and rarely saw her father. After being adopted by Trixie Morning tried her best to forget about her father.  
Morning loves Trixie and her eccentric antics. Trixie loves Morning like if she was her own daughter, Trixie taught Morning all she knows about magic and Morning might even take over her spotlight.  
Iron Will is more of Morning’s real father than Blueblood and one of her greatest role models. He taught her to be strong, stand up for what she believed and if an pony tells her she’s not show them she rocks.  
Morning Glory and Shooting Star are as close as siblings could possibly be. Only being one year apart they’ve been living together since Starry was nine. They share fashion advice, spend hours practicing magic tricks and are rarely seen apart.  
Lucy and Morning get along very well, Lucy loves Morning’s elegance and glamour, and Morning thinks Lucy is just the cutest little cow.  
Morning met Starburst in magic kindergarten, Star was being picked on by some bullies making fun of her knocking down the door…again. Morning stood up to the bullies, dressed them up in ribbons and tied them to a post. Star has been one of her best friends ever since. Since Starburst lives in the Crystal Empire Morning makes it her duty to see her every day the circus is there. Morning thinks Starburst is beautiful, she will be the participant in many of her wild experiments.  
Peanut Butter and Morning met during his first visit to the circus. She thinks Peanut is ‘cute’ she loves he can share her passion for acting and she makes sure to send him tickets to her circus performances.  
Morning has a lot of connections, she even invited Princess Celestia to one of the circus performances once.


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