>The mare turns and smiles at you before shutting the door.
>It sounds like the creature is barreling down the hall, laughing as it does so.
>Just as it reaches your door the laughter suddenly changes to an unholy painful scream.
>As the screaming faded, a beep came from outside.
>Everypony rushes to the windows.
>You look outside.
>Everypony is back!
>The streets are full of ponies!
>Where did they come from?
>Where were they this whole time?
>“Thank Celestia it’s over!” Taku exvlaims as she hugs you.
>Everypony is excited that everything is back to normal.
>But there is something you need to know.
>You open your door and look out into the hall.
>The stain from the egg is gone too…
>“So uhh… Now what?” Cipher asks.
>That was a good question.
>“We go home I guess” says Paradise.
>“Move on or whatever”.
>“Well, we could just hang out for a little bit” Taku suggests.
>“I mean we just went through… all that… together. seems kinda silly to just go back to our lives just like that.”
>“Why not a party of sorts?” Moonie says.
>“It’s agreed.
>That night was great, you all went to a fancy Ramen place Moonies treat and just talked.
>You exchanged steam IDs and emails to keep in touch with everypony a the end of the night before they all went home.
>You, Taku and Wallflower decided to have a sleepover at your place. Apparently Wallflower didn’t live too far from you.
>Only like three streets down.
>As for the others they were all over the place.
>As time went on it seemed like you and your new friends seemed to forget those days everypony else disappeared.
>Only remembering when outings with them took you somewhere where something significant happened during that time.
>You never saw that strange mare again, or that filly.
>You still wonder about who they were.
>You’ll probably never know
>But there are a few other ponies you have gotten to know and become friends with and oddly enough you are thankful whatever happened gave you that.
>Every so often, everything goes real quiet, like it’s happening again.
>Everything goes back to normal shortly after you notice.
>You are never sure if i’s just you spacing out or if it really is trying to start again.
>But it never gets completely silent, and it’s always accompanied by that feeling you absolutely hate.
>Something is watching you.
This project took a lot longer then I had originally anticipated and ended up somewhat different from what I originally wanted to do with it. However I still consider it a success, being my first long term project and that I actually managed to see it through to the end. It has flaws but I’m still proud of it.