(Picture not really related)I remember people being a bit disappointed with the resolution of Too Many Pinkies, specifically that Twilight couldn’t inherently identify which Pinkie was the real one. And yeah, I totally get that. That would’ve been really sweet. But I think there’s something to the ending we got that’s been largely overlooked.See, Twilight’s a real smartypants. She calculates and estimates, and always tries to methodically figure out the best solution to a problem. She wanted to be absolutely, 100% sure that she didn’t send the real Pinkie away. And she knew she couldn’t trust her own judgement. But see, she 100% believed in her friend Pinkie Pie. Specifically, Pinkie Pie’s love for her friends. She knows how much Pinkie Pie loves them, and she knew that the only totally fail-proof way to ensure they got the real Pinkie, was to put that love to the test. She knew that Pinkie’s love was so powerful that it couldn’t be fooled, replicated, or compromised. And she was right. Pinkie pulled through.There was no gut feeling, or funky identification spell Twilight trusted more than Pinkie Pie herself. And I think that’s pretty neat.
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