by JedielDaniel
wThis “Black Mistress” is actually yellow… (how ironic :D), and she belongs to :iconvampirkaa:
This one was based on a biggest leap of faith, I ever did drawing something for someone! Your nickname is *Vampirkaa, and You named her “Blackfire”, and You drew her with a birds a few times, so I just assumed, You would like a graveyard scenery and ravens… how very thoughtful of me :sarcasm:
This one was kinda hard, I mean the hardest part was to make a kinda dark picture with the yellow pony, and at the same time I just couldn’t do it on the black paper, because the ravens wouldn’t be visible.
I really hope You’ll like it… but I doubt it seeing how long You were forced to wait for it, and I do not know what You could expect.
Anyway I want to thank You for all these amazing pictures, You made for me, and all comments, and the points You gave me. I really appreciate them _