Quentin finds himself suddenly within the mystical dream realm for had nightmares based on the events told to him involving the evil form of Celestia, Daybreaker. He worried endlessly if the princess would ever fall into darkness and create destruction, even if she and Luna came to terms with each other, which defeated the strange visions. However, the constant dreams of this chaotic mare kept her somehow existent as she appeared right in front of the gray alicorn. Quentin wanted to use his magic to defeat her, but hesitated because while this is an alternate version of her, it was still Celestia. Daybreaker actually wanted this, using Quen’s connection with the princess to her advantage and deceive him. She trotted slowly and seductively to the confused stallion and stared at him with her cat-like eyes. They were frightening, full of hate and power, but yet looked so beautiful and hypnotic. Quen was too late to realize that Daybreaker’s eyes glowed, trapping his mind in a dark spell and rewriting or erasing every thought of his until he became a slave to the evil princess. With the young, but powerful alicorn caught in her alluring grip, Daybreaker, with the help of his magic added with hers, would find a way to break out of the illusion-like world of dreams and become real, possessing her graceful counterpart or become a separate being. Either way, Quentin would always stay by her side, entirely obedient to his new princess.