Spring break is finally here! :D :D :D :la: :la: :la: :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:
I’m so happy I can finally rest a little of college and do what I love to do, being lazy, hahaha. :XD: :D :P :boogie:
Or well, at least not so lazy with drawings, dancing eating and watching YouTube. :XD: :XD: :XD: :meow: ;)
So, The Chainsmokers finally released a complete album this year, I got to listen some of them and it’s really cool I decided to ponify them! :D :la: :happybounce:
I did an artwork of Judy and Nick based on Chainsmokers’s song, Closer, so it was their turn to appear on my gallery! :D :love: :meow: :happybounce:
And even though I disliked them shading Lady Gaga and being a little arrogant, I still like the music they make. :)
This is Memories…Do Not Open, they described it like a personal album, where they describe some of their experiencies of the past, and I think it’s great they took this concept to their first long album! :) :meow: :D
My favorites are Te One, Break Up Every Night, Something Just Like This, It Won’t Kill Ya, Paris and Last Day Alive. :D :love: :meow: :happybounce: :la:
Hope you like it! :D :love: :squee: :la: :happybounce: ;)
Memores…Do Not Open album: