Cracklin is older by 5 or so years. A very chipper and energized type, she loves nature and all that it entails including the dangers, meaning she never goes on a trek unprepared, taking a specialized grappling hook with her wherever she goes. When she grows up she becomes a search and rescue pony, willing to unturn every stone, pebble, and boulder to locate whatever poor schmuck got themselves lost in the high country. Not shown, but both of these characters will get a hawk based on a two cute bird adopts I got from Broohan . Eyes in the sky are invaluable in this line of work.
Then there is Flynn. I thought the name would be cute since “Flynn” is an Irish name that means “red” or “ruddy” and can also be translated to mean “Son of the red haired one.” So yeah, pretty accurate. Right now he is just a little-un. Less rambunctious than his sister was at that age, but he’ll grow up with a few adventures under his belt as time goes on. Though he seems to have inherited the disconcerting silence from his father and uncle (Big Mac) his wolf like features can strike a bit of fear into anyone once he’s grown. One way to get past his taciturn ways is to offer him cake. He really likes cake.